Today, the Polish forestry model is highly appreciated in whole Europe. Also in the country, many vocational groups may envy foresters their management efficiency, effective performance and good opinion in society. However, their greatest satisfaction is the fact that, despite many threats, Polish forests develop and their resources, as well as ecological and biological values, expand.
Polish foresters have long stopped viewing forests as a source of raw wood. Today everybody knows that so-called non-productive forest functions are in many cases more important than wood production. Global forests play a tremendous role in total carbon balance in nature, and consequently, in the greenhouse effect causing, among other things, increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Forests protect not only climate, but also water resources. One hectare of a broadleaved forest may retain and then gradually release to the environment 500,000 m3 of water. The forest is also the biotope of billions of organisms, sometimes the last one where they can find food and conditions for survival. People can also draw inspiration and pleasure from the charm of forests. They are the favourite place of millions of Poles and foreign tourists seeking relax and recreation.
Forestry and the related industrial branches are also important elements of the national economy. The State Forests NFH gives employment to many people. It is a natural commercial partner of wood processing plants. It also cooperates with local communities and non-governmental organizations