to enjoy Karlovy Vary with all your senses, you must not miss the tasting of the traditional herbal liqueur Becherovka, which is produced only here. About Becherovka Becherovka was produced the first time in 1807 in a drugstore owned by the chemist Josef Becher.
In the southern part of outdoor expositions you can find e.g. the Japenese garden. This part invites to calm down and relax. Selection of plants and their placement has been adjusted to emphasize the grace of evergreen shrubs, conifers and deciduous trees; the changes of scenery during the turns of seasons are envisaged.
Národní divadlo je reprezentativní scénou České republiky. Je jedním ze symbolů národní identity a součástí evropského kulturního prostoru. Je nositelem národního kulturního dědictví a zároveň prostorem pro svobodnou uměleckou tvorbu.